Frostpunk faith or order
Frostpunk faith or order

What, are we going to orderly decide who to eat first when we start to starve?! If we don't try to reach London, we'll end up like Winterhome! What, are we going to pray for food when we start to starve?! When the Londoners fail to gain followers for the first time, this event will trigger.

frostpunk faith or order

It's possible to reach a point where all the Londoners have left and the faction dissolves.The Londoners is an event arc in A New Home. You don't have to max it out, but yeah, hope needs to be fairly high for people to leave. I used the prison to lower their number and at some point, when they were down to 20 followers, they decided to leave the city. Im not sure, but I think it's very linear Icy View Profile View Posts. Last edited by Four Eyed Dragon 29 Apr, pm. I find discontent much easier to control. You'll need to fill up to around the "P" letter of the hope bar before londoners will abandon their trip albeit slowly. The lower your hope the more people will side with the londoners everyday and vice versa the better your hope the more people will insist on staying. You have to max out hope either by using Path of Faith or use the totalitarian one and deal with them accordingly. Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments.Īrc View Profile View Posts.

frostpunk faith or order frostpunk faith or order

How do they lose supporters for the London movement? I'm assuming you have to have Hope to a certain point to make it actively start going down? If so, what is that point? Because the game doesn't tell you. So how do you get them to start actually going down? Then the second one thing goes out of routine, discontent goes up again,and suddenly they are gaining more supporters, and things cascade out of control. They will go neutral, where no new members are joining, but never down. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.

Frostpunk faith or order